A Better Way
If you could change one thing about your life what would you change?
Are you today where you saw yourself being 5 years ago? How are the results different? Where did you see yourself 5 years ago? If you keep doing what you are doing now will you be there 5 years from now? Are you ready to make a change? Are you ready for


Poison on your toothbrush!!!!
Are you poisoning yourself, twice a day, 700 times a year, over 50,000 exposures a year? You don't think so? Go take a look at the warning label on the tube of toothpaste you are now using. WARNING....IF MORE THAN A PEA SIZE AMOUNT IS SWALLOWED CALL POISON CONTROL IMMEDIATELY and SEEK A PHYSICIAN. Think about how much is absorbed through your oral mucosa daily? Don't forget, persons having chest pain place their medications under their tongue for rapid absorption into the bloodstream. Are you positive you want this poison going into you and your family on a daily basis? There is ABetterWay.


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